Sunday, February 8, 2009


You don't know anything about me.
You don't know what's happened to me in the past.
You don't know why I close myself up
Why I retreat into my quiet chamber of secrets.
You don't know why I go places
Where no one else has been.

So don't get mad at me
When I say I don't want to.
When I tell you I'm afraid.

You never took no for an answer
You always wanted your will to be done.
Well, I'm sorry but it's just not going to happen with me.

I was born a sensitive person.
Words are like swords to me -
They can sharpen my sword.
They can cut away things I want gone.
They can hurt, even kill.

A single drop of blood from my heart
Is enough for me to not want to go on.

So lay down your sword
If your intention is only to destroy my life.
Lay it down because we're not ready yet.
The battle has yet to begin.
Give it time.
Lay down your sword.

I wrote that at a point in my life when I was really mad at a certain boy for continually asking me to do things with him that I didn't want to. Sex being one of them. And every time I told him no, he would do and say things that made me feel guilty even though I wasn't.
Kind of an angry poem thing...
I'm not an angry person. Really.

I need to watch The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. And Changeling. It's important.
Good night :)

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